The Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) provides the right to a scientist/inventor to protect his invention against unauthorized use. A patent protects the invention and confines the right of inventor, because the patent holder excludes others from using his invention. It is a form of intellectual property that gives its owner the legal right to exclude others from making, using, selling, and importing an invention for a limited period of years, in exchange for publishing an enabling public disclosure of the invention. Patent rights are granted by Patent and Trademark Offices of respective countries in which the patent applications are filed. The patent right are granted provided the applicant (Scientist/student) meets the criteria of patentability and complies with the requirements of patent filing. Patent document is a techno-legal document due to the nature of information provided. The technical aspects of inventions are mentioned in the patent application for which the patent protection is sought and it is a legal document since it provides exclusive right by the government to the inventor and prevents use by others. In order to secure the patent rights it is important on the part of inventor to decide what components are to be protected. This protection is sought based on claims and it defines the boundaries of invention and provides legal protection. It is important to ensure that the scope of protection is adequately mentioned and scientific knowledge of what is to be protected should be known. University faculty members, research scholars and students are involved in lot of new research, but most of them are unaware about the importance of IPR and their inventions are killed in their laboratories or fields. The main aim of this centre is to make the faculty members and research scholars aware of the step by step procedure for obtaining patent in India and also removing the myth that filing a patent application is an expensive and difficult task with the following objectives:
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Dr. S. M. Mathur, Professor(retd), Convener
Department of FM&PE, CTAE, Udaipur
Dr. (Mrs.) Hemu Rathore,
Associate Professor, Member
Deptt. of RMCS, College of Community and Applied Sciences, Udaipur
Dr. Naveen Jain,
Assistant Professor , Member
Department of Electrical Engineering, CTAE, Udaipur
Dr. Vinod Saharan, Assistant Professor, Member
Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, RCA, Udaipur :
Er. Manjeet Singh,
Asstt. Professor, Member
Deptt. of SWE, CTAE, Udaipur
Er. Kamlesh Kumar Meena,
Asstt. Prof, Member
Department of Dairy and Food Microbiology, CDFT, Udaipur
1. Water Hyacinth Chopper cum Crusher
2. Plasma Expressor Semiautomatic Top and Bottom